Le Master 2 Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (option appartenant au Master écologie et developpement durable) de l’Université catholique de l’Ouest d’Angers (France) accepte les candidatures pour l’année 2020-2021 !

Ce Master2 est totalement en anglais ! 

« This year of Master (60 Credits) is fully taught in English, with fieldtrips, data collection, laboratory work and study cases from different countries to gain an international perspective on sustainable practices and environmental biomonitoring. Students of the program will learn how to implement sustainable practices and use analytical and quantitative methods to monitor and manage natural and urban environments. Environmental law related to climate change and urban planning will be addressed, as well as environmental pollution biomonitoring and project management methodology. Emphasis will be made on work planification, risk management, along with human relations skills through the incorporation of a business ethic seminar.

Students will evolve in the Biology-Environment department of UCO’s Faculty of science in the Loire River Valley in Angers – France (less than 2 hours away from Paris by train!) where research related to environmental pollution biomonitoring is conducted. Industry and agencies seek scientists with project management skills, and graduates of this program will be in high demand. »

For more information : website

Fac. Sciences_Master2 EMSD-UCO